I finished marking the final exam papers this morning. got so excited that i computed the grades right after. and here's the stats: 4 got flat 1.00, 4 got 1.25, 1 got 1.50, and 2 got 1.75. Not bad at all!
Aside from these "rock star" students, 20 more managed to actually pass!!! Of the 31 who passed, 28 are batch07's. The results is sort of expected. The "regular" takers will make it and the repeat offenders will not.
28 out of 59 failed! Either the older batches can't keep up with their younger classmates or can't keep up with me. Maybe they just don't care and they have lots of money to burn.
again, i did my part. everybody had his chance to get extra credits. as i've said in my previous post, teachers teach, students study.
merry christmas to all of you. see you next year!