Sunday, March 17, 2013

Goodbye Old Friend

     We've been together a long long time.  You were introduced to me some 30 years ago and you've been a dear friend to me ever since.   We were together battling bullies in high school.  In college, you kept me company whenever I was about to cry because I missed my family back home.  You never left my side all those sleepless nights of finishing something up to beat a deadline.  You've been my friend longer than anybody I know, my wife included. 
     We parted ways for a short while back when I got married.  I love my wife and you were getting between us.  But she soon realized that you were a part of me.  Just imagine my elation when she finally accepted that maybe I am better with than without you.
     Now I am 45 years old.  I have two beautiful kids and  I love every second of every day I spend with them.  I know I will not outlive my kids but I'll take every extra second that I can be with them. And I may have spent some of those precious time with you.I don't own myself now.  My kids do.  I came into a realization that blood is thicker than smoke.
     I haven't been with you in four days and you know what? I don't miss you at all.  I'm also throwing out your pals ash tray and lighter.  So goodbye old friend.  I am never going back to smoking again.